Scoring Analysis Report

After you upload a schedule, Touchstone creates an Excel report where you can see how the schedule scored for each metric.

The report is created regardless of whether the report passed or failed the acceptance criteria and is included with the status email as an attachment. You can also download it from the following locations in Touchstone:
  • Submittals hub: Click the score in the Score column
  • Projects hub on the Snapshot tab: Click the score in the Score column.

A Save As dialog box displays and you can save the Excel report to a local folder.

The data is listed alphabetically with the Ribbon view and Metric headers sorted first by metric ID and then by metric name, and the metric details follow the Ribbon view order.

Note: The file name format is Touchstone - <submitted schedule filename> - <submitted date> Report.xlsx and includes the name of the submitted schedule file as well as the date it was submitted. For example, Touchstone - My Submitted Schedule - 06Feb2019 Report.xlsx.
The report includes:
  • Name and description of the project
  • Name of the acceptance criteria template
  • Window Close Date and date submitted
  • File name of the submitted schedule
  • The score
  • A header for each metric in the acceptance criteria followed by any activities that failed the metric
  • Threshold colors (for example, green shows a passing score and red shows a failing score)

Touchstone reads external relationships and external activities. This makes the count of relationships more accurate for metrics. External activities from P6 XER schedule or MPP schedules are now part of the list of activities used in calculating a score for an uploaded schedule unless metrics exclude external activities. External activities, however, are excluded from the random selection of activities used in determining the Project Critical Path Test and Logic Sensitivity.